Sunday, March 27, 2011

How It all Started

In the summer of 1991, I was newly graduated from high school, and was visiting my grandparents at their summer home in Tahoe Donner, California.  It was a short four day trip spent shopping, hiking, swimming and enjoy the beauty of the Sierra.

Accompanying me on the trip was my Mom, my Step dad, my sister and my boyfriend (who is now my husband).  Each day was spent adventuring and each night was spent sitting around the dining table deep in conversation.  Each night the discussions would inevitable lead to my grandparents reminiscing about their past and their parents.  I could sit for hours listening to them.  I soaked up the stories like a sponge. I was fascinated to learn my Grandfathers' own Grandfather, while in the office of Sheriff, arrested my Grandfathers' own deadbeat father for failure to pay child support.

As the weekend neared it's end, I asked my Grandfather to write out a family tree. 
Below is the very tree that started it all.....

When I arrived home from that trip, I made a beline to the local bookstore looking for "How To" books on tracing your genealogy. 

From that trip nearly 20 years ago, I have traced many lines of my ancestry hundreds of years back in time and am currently putting the final touches on a  family genealogy book to send off to the publisher for publication!! 

I will never consider my research finished.  It will always be a work in progress!  Follow me as I introduce my ancestors and discuss my genealogical journey, sharing all my triumphs and my pitfalls along the way.


  1. Hello there!

    You’ve got a great genealogy blog and we’ve added it to the list of over 1,800 genealogy blogs at GeneaBloggers (

    We will announce your blog in our weekly New Genealogy Blogs on Saturday, April 2, 2011. In the meantime, please visit the About ( section at GeneaBloggers to learn how you can display your GeneaBloggers badge on your blog and also how you can participate in activities such as the Daily Blogging Prompts. If you need technical assistance, please check out Bootcamp for GeneaBloggers (

    Don’t forget to tune in to GeneaBloggers Radio – a live two-hour call in show each Friday evening!


  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I look forward to seeing your letters, when the time is right!
    Welcome to the Geneabloggers family, as well. Hope you find the association fruitful; I sure do. I have found it most stimulating, especially some of the Daily Themes.

    May you keep sharing your ancestor stories!

    Dr. Bill ;-)
    Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
    and "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"

  3. I've enjoyed reading some of the great blogs that you featured. There are so many interesting stories. And thanks for including mine in the list. It's in good company.
